Your Opinion: Right to work is simply union busting

Dear Editor:

Have you or someone you know ever worked a job that had a 40-hour week, vacation pay, sick leave, maternity leave, or workman's compensation? Do you know anyone living on a pension? Do you know anyone whose job has enforced required standards for a safe working environment? If so, then they have benefitted from the work of unions.

Unions have built Missouri. If you have ever attended a Cardinal baseball game in the new Bush Stadium then you have been in a beautiful, safe, structure created by union labor. Contrast this to the building in which our Legislature works, created by slave and prison labor, folks that worked more than 40 hours a week and in conditions that were far from safe. Do we think any of those skilled workers that created this beautiful edifice received any of the things we now take for granted?

While we don't believe that any of the horrors faced by the women of the shirtwaist factory could visit us now do not be so sure that other, similar fates could affect workers without the protection of unions. We know so much more about hazardous chemicals, protective clothing, appropriate tools, and more so we can assure the safety of workers. Without the protection of unions workers do not have a voice in what is happening on the job. Without union protection pension funds can be raided under the guise of "too much expense" while CEOs and management help themselves to fat bonuses. We know from past experience that if there is no one guarding the henhouse, the wolf will strike!

By not requiring full participation by all members, some may freeload off the work of the union. With reduced funds union work is diluted and their effectiveness is weakened. This is the goal of right-to-work legislation. I frankly don't care how much "ink" Representative Barnes has spent on this topic, in this case he is simply wrong. This is union busting. Period.

No one, except maybe one living under a rock, doesn't see what is going on here. And while he gets to blather on with ridiculous arguments about all the jobs that will be created, lots of minimum wage jobs I might add, I am limited to 400 words.

Also, Governor Greitens I have written you on this matter. I'd appreciate an answer.

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