Your Opinion: Response on mistreatment

Dear Editor:

Sue Gibson's whine, I mean editorial, in the Nov. 14 edition concerning all the poor mistreated unwashed masses describes exactly why Trump was elected. You see I, and most of the country, believe LGBTQ and minority religions don't need protection from or by anybody. They are perfectly capable of protecting themselves.

LGBTQ people are not "perfect" Sue, they are just like you and me but with different sexual preferences. Warts and all they are just like you and me. They are not special nor should they receive special treatment. The Constitution takes care of that.

Black lives matter just as all lives matter. I have yet to quite be able to drill down deep enough to understand what about all lives matter people don't get. To say otherwise is indeed racist in nature, don't ya think Ms. Gibson?

Undocumented to me is as blurred as calling illegals migrating Mexicans. No Sue, they are not "undocumented immigrants" they are here illegal.

You said "women deserve respect and bodily integrity, and when they share their traumas, I believe them." I say you earn respect. What say you to all the women that came forward concerning Bill Clinton and the way Hillary attacked them?

You will notice the part you referred to the nonbelievers being the rudder for our country is not worth a lot of effort. Thank God (any and all Gods) for the old white guys in wigs for the Electoral College and God bless America.


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