Your Opinion: Addressing city stormwater

Dear Editor:

Flood damage control is on the forefront now that the ice rink and other properties have been under water twice recently.

The city addressed the problem city-wide at a recent Public Works committee meeting and discussion led to a possible separate stormwater department funded by a separate tax. This plan is exactly what I took exception to in my first letter - forcing the entire city to pay for the flooding of the few. I would suggest a comprehensive plan that looks into the past, current and future developments instead and that plan should be within the existing city organization and tax base.

That being said, I attended a Ward 2 meeting Nov. 12. Some good came from discussion by many. It was encouraging to learn the Public Works Department has a full understanding of the problems, the costs of the many needs and the understanding there is not enough money to fix the problems all at once.

It was also encouraging to know a utility fee for storm water is the direction the city may recommend, instead of a tax. So, churches and government sites would not be excluded as these among others contribute the most run-off. Mr. Morasch told us that either way citizens would have to vote for this separate funding.

Mr. Morasch also explained the exiting storm water requirements for new development, and these requirements are a small step in the right direction. The city should educate us on all detention requirements now in effect. Mr. Morasch stated new developments must now consider drainage requirements for full development of the watersheds. However, my scan of city stormwater code did not find many requirements regarding detention - either by developers, builders or property owners. In a follow-up, I will voice some of the negatives and offer a suggestion.


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