Your Opinion: The $4 million cost to access a "mud flat"

Dear Editor:

Hallelujah, hooray, yippee. We are going to get a bridge over the railroad, and a ramp down to the mud flat, commonly known as Adrian's Island.

What an addition to our community, and it will cost less than $4 million, that's $4,000,000. And the greatest part of that, almost $1 million, $1,000,000 will come from - who else? - the State Highway Department. Yes, the same Missouri DOT which has had to lay off many employees and closed facilities for "lack of funds." However, they just happened to find almost a million dollars in the slush fund for this fiasco.

Now some questions. Will the bridge hold the weight of an ambulance and/or fire truck when they respond to medical or other emergencies that will occur? Will the width and radius of the ramp even allow for those vehicles?

This would be a great week for the mayor, Mrs. DeLong, the former councilman who was all in for development, and their supporters to go out to the "island" and lay out the walking trails, playgrounds, toilets, concession stand and other necessities.

I am not going to try to estimate how many feet of concrete pavement, or replacement water and sewer lines the $4,000,000 would buy, but many of us know it would be far more beneficial to the community.


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