Your Opinion: Response on Hillary Clinton

Dear Editor:

Another letter to the editor from a "Hillary Hater," registering dislike (hatred) of Hillary Rodham Clinton. The latest word salad comes to us from Charlotte Schnieders, published on Sept. 13. In it she trots out the conspiracy theory about "Agenda 21," the overtly silly conspiracy theory that the Community Reinvestment Act caused the 2008 recession due to "forcing" banks to lend to unworthy borrowers, another conspiracy theory on "selling shares of Muammar Gaddafi's son," then went on to whine about Hillary's emails. Along the way she touched on Common Core and Muslim theology. Wow.

OK. Hillary "acid washed" 35,000 emails. How about the 22 million emails deleted by the Bush-Cheney regime?

Let us very briefly look at history. Ford pardoned Nixon. Reagan sold arms to Iran, funded a secret war that Congress knew nothing about, then lied to the American people about it. George Bush (Sr.) said "Read my lips, no new taxes", and we know what happened. His son lied about Iraq and 9/11, and led us into a pointless and costly war. Cheney outed a covert CIA agent for "political payback." And in your opinion, Hillary is the "worst of the worst" for using a private server?

The FBI found no evidence of criminal activity with the emails. Congress and their Benghazi investigations took years and cost millions, and found exactly nothing. But as Sir Winston Churchill put it, "A lie gets around the world before the truth has a chance to put it's pants on," you are convinced she is a lying traitor. The fact is that you've been lied to for political gain, and every time you repeat that lie, you continue to be played the fool.

As to the rest of the allegations made by Ms. Schnieders, Agenda 21 was (is) indeed a UN action plan focusing on sustainable growth. I invite you to actually read the 350-page document rather than simply honking about it because Glenn Beck says something bad about it. The planet is going to have to deal with population growth and poverty.

The Community Reinvestment Act, it was originally passed in 1977 and signed by Carter to try and stem abuses in the lending industry, particularly "redlining," a method of discrimination by the lending industry. The 2008 recession was caused by predatory lending practices (irresponsible loans) partly amplified by lax oversight. Financial "engineers" deluded themselves about risk.


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