Your Opinion: Support for Puri Group TIF proposal appreciated

Dear Editor:

I would like to thank Jefferson City Council members Ken Hussey, Laura Ward, Erin Wiseman, Glen Costales and Larry Henry for voting for the Puri project TIF proposal to redevelop the Truman Hotel site.

Thanks also to the Puri Group for continuing to put forth and refine plans to make what I thought would have been a fantastic addition to the business landscape of Jefferson City.

I continually try to understand why this project was not worthy of TIF approval, as opposed to other TIF proposals in our community.

I commend the Puri Group for being willing to invest so much time and money and I do hope that something is still salvageable out of their efforts. There are no other proposals out there, so I will continue to drive by the gigantic, boarded-up, overgrown Truman property several times a day - as so many travelers do.

Between Truman Hotel and the old St. Mary's, it's not a great impression. Jefferson City has done some really great things lately, and this should have been one of them.


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