Your Opinion: Ad focuses on biblical values

Dear Editor:

I'm writing to comment on the advertisement by Hobby Lobby "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord" published on page B8 of the July 3 News Tribune. It can be seen on the following link: This full page article was an absolutely perfect reminder of the real inspiration of our Founding Fathers and the many others who contributed in many ways to create this special country we are so blessed to live in. I wish to thank Hobby Lobby and voice my undying respect for their continuing efforts to save our country from the destructive forces of evil so engrained in our culture.

To contrast the "Education" section Harvard 1636 and Yale 1787 Student Guideline quotes in the Hobby Lobby piece with today's educational guidelines, I call your attention to a 7/2/2016 article by Dr. Susan Berry "Few Top Colleges Require History Majors to Study American History" (

A quote from the article: "Less than one-third of the top colleges and universities in the United States require history majors to take even a single course in American history." How can any intelligent being, much less academics, possibly believe ignoring history will create a better society? Edmund Burke (1729-1797) was right; "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it."

The section "Supreme Court Justices" is also contrasted by a 12/12/2015 Morocco World News article: "New York: Black Muslim Woman Takes Oath As Judge, Swears on Holy Quran" ( A quote from the article: "New York Judge Carolyn Walker-Diallo, a Black Muslim woman took oath as a civil court judge in New York on Thursday, while swearing to abide by the U.S. Constitution placing her hand on the Holy Quran." How can this be when the Quran requires compliance with Sharia law which is in no way compatible with our constitution?

God bless Hobby Lobby in their continuing battle to maintain the focus on Christian biblical values and God's law as the foundation of our Constitution.


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