Russellville April bond issue would cover HVAC

RUSSELLVILLE, Mo. - The Cole County R-1 School District needs to replace several of its climate control units.

Five units currently are inoperable between the two buildings, and several more are crumbling, nearly unusable or damaged by hail, according to the survey results delivered by Timberlake Engineering, Columbia, at the Board of Education meeting Feb. 16.

Others only will require preventive maintenance.

The district has about 114 units total. The survey will help prioritize the replacements.

If the district's bond issue passes at the April 4 election, the board will issue a request for qualifications to begin the replacement process.

Each unit may cost up to $12,000.

"If the bond issue does not pass, it will put an even (greater) burden on the district financially for replacement and future repairs," Gorrell said.

The school board will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. Monday to decide on insurance plans for the upcoming school year.

Superintendent Perry Gorrell noted the board may need to consider capping its contribution to the employees' plan. For the upcoming school year, he has budgeted $500 each.

"We're one of the very few school districts without a cap," he said.

In other business, the board approved several policy changes. Those included the Pledge of Allegiance will be recited daily, instead of weekly; teacher salary schedules may not be changed after June 30, and extra duty roles will not be included in tenure.

The board also:

Approved the 2017-18 school calendar, including earlier parent-teacher conferences and protected days off March 30 and April 2, 2018.

Learned despite high flu and sickness, attendance has remained above 96 percent.

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