Your Opinion: Evil fills void when we reject God

Dear Editor:

After the horror of the school shooting in Newtown, Conn., we have expressed unbelief, sorrow, and various degrees of casting blame.

The president spoke at the memorial service to comfort the families, but in the middle of his address he wandered into the political arena demanding that something must be done by the government to stop these senseless tragedies.

Unfortunately, however, tragedies will continue because mankind has a sin nature and a heart problem.

The first crime after man fell into sin was recorded in Genesis when Cain killed his brother Abel because he was angry at God and jealous of Abel. Before Cain committed murder, God warned him that sin was crouching at the door, but he must learn to master it. We need to master our sin nature, but it is not possible without God's help.

After all the sacrifice and hardship our forefathers endured to escape tyranny and to realize religious freedom, America is now turning into a tyrannical, godless nation rejecting the same warnings that God gave Cain. We have pushed God and His Word out of every area of our lives, except maybe for the church box.

Of course our politicians pull out God's name to chant "God Bless America" at the end of their insincere speeches or to offer such comforting words like "our thoughts and prayers go out" when there is a death or tragedy. God is then stuffed back in the box and they go on with their arrogant, self-serving agendas without giving God another thought.

If our children cannot pray in schools, how can politicians offer prayers? How can they quote Scripture in memorial services in a public place when we no longer allow our children to read the Bible in school?

We have allowed the ACLU and atheist organizations to dictate what constitutes religious freedom or what is offensive.

Yes guns can be used to kill, but that is not the cause of the tragedies we see every day. The government pays Planned Parenthood to kill babies in the womb, so where's the outrage from President Obama there?

When we reject God and push Him out of our world, evil rushes in to fill that void. Violent movies and games, absent fathers and acts of violence are all symptoms of the heart problem. More laws and government intrusion into our lives is not the answer. America has a heart problem, not a gun problem "The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God" ... Psalm 14:1

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