Residents oppose rezoning request on Karen Drive

Eight residents spoke out against a proposed rezoning request Thursday to allow several multi-family residential units in their area.

At the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Thursday, a request for rezoning 7.8 acres on Karen Drive from RS-4 medium density residential to RA-1 high density residential was met with neighborhood opposition leading the property owner to request a continuance from the commission to revamp his proposed plan.

Shannon Block, the authorized representative of Lee Investments LLC, who owns the property, presented the request Thursday, which included the possibility of two single family homes and seven four-plex residential buildings.

But neighbors of the property voiced concerns about traffic, property values and the existing greenery, among other issues.

While the neighbors didn't necessarily oppose Block's specific plan, their chief concern was that nothing was in place to stop further development if the property was rezoned, especially if it was sold to another developer.

"I think he has a great proposal based on what he says he intends to do," said Kim Haller, a resident of Taylor Street.

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