Your Opinion: Unnecessary expansions of Medicaid

Dear Editor:

The AP propaganda selling Obamacare continues. In the Sunday Dec. 2 article titled "Report calls Obama Health law a good deal for states." First sentence of the article extolls that federal government will pay nine dollars for every one dollar the states pay for this great plan.

How is that a good deal? My math says that this good deal disappears with the revelation that the states are paying 100 percent of the cost. The federal government has no money it hasn't taken from the taxpayers who just happen to reside in ... the states! Surprise. It is not free money.

Without forcing taxpayers, this grand scheme of poverty enhancement would have no funding. Yet the article cites all these "experts" reinforcing the value of participation by the states. The article, for example mentions $18 million in savings by offsetting charity support for low income and uninsured. Charity is voluntary. Taxation is forced and the government is not nor was ever instituted to be a charity. Tax extra money from our pockets and we have nothing left for voluntary charity.

If Obamacare is a good deal, why are 22 states, including Missouri, as allowed by the Supreme Court ruling, choosing to opt out of Health Insurance Exchanges and individual penalties?

They are simply unnecessary federal Medicaid expansions. Expanding the scope of poverty shifts more burden on fewer taxpayers and eventually everyone becomes impoverished. The article claims that states will pay regardless of participation. Certainly it is forced participation when our taxes are being thrown around like confetti by the federal government. Sure looks pretty when it's other people's money. But it all belongs to us.

Federal borrowing of 50 percent of the cost of welfare further deepens the debt and taxes all Americans will be forced to pay for covering irresponsible spending and fiscal mismanagement for generations to come.

There is a looming fiscal cliff due to the irresponsible financial behavior of Washington, D.C. The taxation coming in the near future is incomprehensible as is the damage that will be inflicted on our Missouri economy. Adding a forced health care mandate and creating Health Insurance Exchanges, adding hundreds of billions of dollars on to the backs of taxpayers, is the most destructive of time bombs to our economic freedom. We must freeze spending and get control of the debt on the books. It's not a collection problem. It's a spending problem.

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