Your Opinion: Public officials weave 'tangled web'

Dear Editor:

"O what a tangled web we weave when we first start to deceive" seems to adequately apply to the slogan coming from the likes of the City Council, Parks and Recreation and the Chamber of Commerce.

A short number of years ago, many of us remember when the head of the Recreation group appeared to be in very hot water but kept his position. Citizens don't forget instances like this particular one. And why did he get off scot-free? Politics is the name of the game in this community.

And attorneys like other groups are partners in crime and are closely co-mingled when it comes to one of their own kind in trouble. They are cronies like legislative bodies. It's like I'll take care of your bill if you will help pass mine.

This citizen has never been impressed with either of the two attorneys serving on the City Council. It has been expressed to me that both are from Columbia. I guess it was somewhat like footsteps up a ladder. The older one saw that the younger one followed him here and then when the older one took a jump, he saw to it that a hefty salary increase went to the second lawyer on the way up. Why are projects suggested by the main attorney?

Our town is not the size of Columbia and does not, that I can see, require the services of two lawyers.

Voters should remember the saying, "Figures don't lie, but liars figure" when amounts of money are taken off the table and tossed out to the town's citizens. Sometimes the amounts are exaggerated in higher figures so that if they are cut, it will get down to the lower figure which is really what they (the planners) need. I saw this happen time and time again in state government so I know how this practice works.

Nor should we be funding the JCTV which is not considered a worthy endeavor. "nuff said.

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