Your Opinion: Questions of randomness, faith

Dear Editor:

I have read, with interest, the pros and cons of belief in God and his written word. Some writers are really upset with believers.

The question seems to me to be simple (some say all Christians are). If I choose to believe and try to live by the Bible, I am told to: love my neighbor, turn the other cheek, give food shelter and clothing to the needy, pay my tax, pray for my enemies, put those around me first and give God the credit for this most beautiful world.

On the other side I am asked to believe that this world was random, that the delicate flowers, leafs, birds, animals, ( I could go on for ever) and the marvel that is the human body is all by chance, that somehow humanity is the answer to all our problems. Did the houses we live in or the cars and trucks we drive just show up randomly or are they designed?

The question, to believe in a loving God is so much easier for me because to believe in random creation takes too much faith and mine is only as big as "a grain of mustard seed now."

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