Your Opinion: Boldt asked 'whose side is he on?'

Dear Editor:

Mr. Boldt's letter to the editor on July 6 begs the question; just whose side is he on? What country is he living in that is "now regarded as one of the most brutal regimes on earth?" Cross the boarder (accidentally) into Iran or go to Syria and express your disgust with their president. See how that works out for you.

The Obama boys (AG Holder) prosecuted the SEAL team for punching a terrorist thug in the mouth that would slit your mother's throat just before he killed you. Just what planet do you live on that allows you to forget the murder of over 3,000 civilians on Sept. 11, 2001?

Rule of law for you (a liberal) is like describing poverty in America as only having one car, AC, a big screen TV and a cell phone as not being enough. If it takes what you consider "torture" to save the life on just one American, do it!

Good grief what you are describing as torture doesn't even leave a mark. What the rest of the world (which you so admire) considers torture will leave you without a head. Now if you are willing to sacrifice your family, when enhanced interrogation would save them, I don't have the words that can be printed to describe you.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. Have a nice evening Mr. Boldt, we have your back in spite of you.

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