Autopsy: Patient died from mold linked to other deaths

PITTSBURGH (AP) - An autopsy report for a transplant patient who contracted a fungal infection while at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center indicates he suffered from the same type of mold linked to other deaths.
A UPMC spokeswoman had said the death of Daniel Krieg was not directly related to the fungal infection but was caused by pneumonia. Krieg, 56, became the fifth known UPMC patient with a fungal infection to die since 2014 amid a federal investigation into mold cases at the health system's facilities.
An autopsy obtained by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review listed the cause of death as "multiorgan failure due to sepsis due to pneumonia." UPMC Dr. Penny Sappington wrote  Krieg suffered from bacterial and fungal pneumonia. A removed lobe of his lung contained rhizopus, a form of mold.
Krieg, of Elks County, died July 9 at UPMC Presbyterian. His lawyer, Brendan Lupetin, said Krieg had a successful kidney transplant in July 2015 but returned to the hospital in March. He did not leave the hospital before he died.

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