JCPS candidates answer question on recording of open forum

Four candidates are running for two seats on the Jefferson City Public Schools Board of Education - incumbents Michael Couty and Pam Murray and challengers Ken Enloe and Lindsey Rowden.

April 3 Election Coverage


The News Tribune presented each of the four candidates up for election this Tuesday with a question submitted by Mayor Carrie Tergin: "The school board started recording and streaming meetings online, which is a positive step forward for transparency and public access to the meetings. However, the meetings are only recorded after the 'open forum' agenda item, which is the public comment period, meaning public comment is not available to viewers unless they are present at the meeting. If elected (or re-elected), will you commit to make a motion to record and stream the entire meeting rather than excluding the public comment portion (Subject of course to any Sunshine Laws that could require portions of the meetings to be closed)?"

Tergin, who is mayor of Jefferson City, clarified she intended her question simply as a district voter and not in her capacity as mayor.

Responses, limited to 150 words, are in the order candidates will appear on the ballot.

Pam Murray: "Yes. I believe having an informed public requires being able to see discussion, how decisions are made and who makes them. Streaming builds public support for positive measures and provides accountability to the community. We miss opportunities for family and community engagement when we limit the flow of information, including public comment to the school board. In April 2015, Michael Couty and I took office and his attempts to get streaming began; in March 2016, a vote was taken and I was the only member supporting his efforts. By 2017, four board seats changed and streaming was approved with excluding public comment as a compromise. The district belongs to and is financed by the public; inclusion of their comments is the right thing to do.

"The lack of transparency and accountability was one reason I started my website ( to weekly document JCPS-related issues from my perspective."

Ken Enloe: "I am supportive of making all open parts of the meeting available to be viewed by the public. The only caveat is ensuring our guidelines provide for proper legal protections for the school district. This might include a signed release or waiver or the option for a person to decline having their comments broadcast. I would also favor our current policy that public comments be limited to agenda items with a time limit."

Michael Couty: "Yes. I am committed to making a motion to record the entire board meeting. During discussions, there was concern among some members that student or school personnel information intended for closed session might inadvertently be discussed. Since October of 2017, there hasn't been an issue regarding the concern. A suggestion was the board president could announce at the beginning of every meeting that we are streaming live and all information pertaining to individual students or school personnel is prohibited. Additionally, I would take the motion a step further and include all work and committee sessions. This would move us toward total transparency and not add additional costs because the equipment is capable of being used anyplace within the district. Examples are Coffee with the Superintendent every first Friday and the announcement of the Capital City High School mascot and colors."

Lindsey Rowden: "As a 'streamer' of the school board meetings myself, Mayor Tergin brings up a great point. The public forum is oftentimes the best part of the meetings. As a school board member, it will be my responsibility to listen to the wants, needs and concerns of our community. I understand that public forum is not currently included to protect teachers and students whose names may be mentioned in commentary. I think this question would be more appropriately answered by legal counsel as I'm not versed in the law, but I think this is a very important piece to include in streaming and recording if possible."

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