Your Opinion: Today's generation looking for free lunch

Tom Ault

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Based on Mathew Dickerson's Oct. 3 News Tribune article: "Biden's statement that no one making less than $400,000 would see a tax increase is false."

Isn't it time for the new generation to start realizing nothing is free? Living at home with few, if any financial obligations required, it is easy to assume there is no reason to believe it will change when leaving home.

Our system is providing free breakfast and lunch at school, student loan forgiveness and more. Today, you can be forgiven for part of your debt while the credit card companies are apparently overlooking your poor judgment.

Ads on television say you can get some of your loan debt removed if you reach the indebtedness of $10,000 or more. Really? If those companies can forget the debt, they must be charging a lot of interest or other fees.

The government has paved the way for you to stay home and get more income than if you worked. Various charities will assist you so you can get by for a while paying nothing for rent or groceries. What a wonderful society!

Food for thought. Today and tomorrow are different. If you don't think so, ask your parents or some other older adult with life experiences. We actually paid our bills and considered that the honorable thing to do. Not today!

The financial burden of today's innocent, but thoughtless, folks is discouraging. The government is now telling parents they have no say-so about the education their children receive. They are relieving the mothers so they can work and let someone else bring up their offspring.

The government is slowly turning citizens toward total reliance upon it. There are a few giant corporations that, if the trend continues, will soon dictate all rules and regulations through their legislators. Legislators not paid in trackable cash, but rather in other ways.

This $400,000 income I am pretty sure will exclude all of our legislators from any tax burden. The tax on all manufactured products is handed down to the purchaser. Sometimes through smaller packaging or less weight but at the same price as yesterday. We will see hidden taxes everywhere!

Wake up new generation before it is too late and you find the socialism you don't really understand eating you alive!

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