Your Opinion: Challenging your beliefs

Mike Barnhill


Dear Editor:

The TV series called "Sheldon" had an interesting segment in it this week. What I heard was this: "You can't believe something just because they say it's true."

In this episode of "Sheldon," a Bible story was being discussed with young adults. Sheldon's sister asked this question: "Are we to believe everything that is written in the Bible?"

The young adults were flabbergasted when the Sunday school teacher said, "No." He reminded the group the Bible was written by human beings, not Jesus, so it can lead to either error in writing or in interpretation by its writers. "You must investigate the words in the Bible and give yourself room for error."

This episode was of particular interest because it coincided with a confusing thought I had with the Sixth Commandment when I joined the military during the Vietnam War. The Sixth Commandment reads, "Thou Shall Not Kill." Now, how do you interpret that statement when going to war? Also, how do you explain "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" and coincide it with forgiveness?

These are but a few of the comparisons in religion that can be very confusing. But what about the subject of political theories and preferences?

The changes in a political party's goals can and will confuse many of us to throw our lot in with those who, in a final analysis, we wouldn't ordinarily put up with.

An example would be those who feel anti-abortion causes are more important than national foreign policy. I mentioned this example to one anti-abortionist who felt this way. "If you're in a foxhole in Taiwan avoiding Chinese missiles, the last thing on your mind is anti-abortion laws."

In summary, if you think you have all the answers to what's wrong with America's future, may I suggest reading this verse: "Those without sin, throw the first stone."

Perhaps this line of thought could read, "Those who have never erred in judgment, write a book expressing your political beliefs."

I'm sure someone will challenge your views, just like in the "Sheldon" episode.

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