Your Opinion: Reply to Smith on Social Security

Dear Editor:

Mr. Smith, as stated in my previous letter, Social Security Disability Trust Fund is in serious trouble. The letter that was sent to the House and Senate by the Social Security board of trustees in their annual 2014 report stated that Social Security Disability would need immediate action to avoid automatic cuts to payments of the program. If nothing is done an automatic 19 percent is estimated to be the reduction.

Some senators and representatives when looking at different ideas to protect the disability benefits by tapping into the Social Security retirement fund. This was stated on MSNBC. Sen. Sanders stated that it was a Republican conspiracy and completely ignored the Social Security trustees' report. If nothing is done we will find out in late 2106, according to the trustees.

Why does Social Security disability have its difficulties? There are two major reasons. A huge increase in the number of people that are using the benefit. The second is that the labor participation rate is 62.8 percent. As stated in previous articles moneys going out must equal moneys coming in to balance the program. During the day of large numbers of people working extra moneys went into the trust fund. Some of that money has been taken out to pay benefits. When that money runs out only money that comes in can be given out.

Mr. Smith, I do my research. All of the points that I made in my article came from Social Security. If you wish to research I will give you the governments web address so you can read their descriptions of what Social Security is. I hope this will help you understand the program. htt;:// The system is younger workers pay for retired persons. Page 4, paragraph 6 if you wish to believe your government. That is your choice.

Mr. Smith, ask an attorney if you own the money that you have put into Social Security. They will cite Supreme Court case Fleming vs. Nestor (1960). The money belongs to the Social Security Trust Fund.

I am glad that Smith has changed his opinion that Social Security is not an entitlement. The money can either be a social program or it can be owned by an individual. It cannot be both. By calling it a social safety net he has abdicated his position of individual ownership.

Four hundred words makes it difficult to cite sources.

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