Your Opinion: Race-baiting commentary

Dear Editor:

The editorial from the Philadelphia Inquirer printed in your paper March 19 concerning racism in America and Ferguson was a hit job at best and misleading at worse. It was as race baiting as Obama and Holder have been.

First of all you have the right to be a racist. Just as I have the right to be a Christian, a Communist, or a pedestrian. You can not "legislate" morality. What you can do is make it against the law to discriminate against people because of their ethnicity (among other things.) For the Philadelphia Inquirer to say that there has been no change in race relations for over a century is preposterous.

Yes, racism exists, we are all human. Because we are humans we are able to get past this, or at least most of us do. For those that don't, it's their business, sad as it is. But to say race relations have not improved you'd have to be born last night, not just at night.

Just because our president acts out and inflames racial tensions, along with his AG Holder, that does not reflect on the nation. We can all do better, in spite of our failed leadership at the federal and state (Nixon) level.

Quit making excuses! It's not about people's color, it's about people's behavior. People good at making excuses are seldom very good at doing much else.

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