Your Opinion: Far Left missing the big picture

Dear Editor:

The far left had a light bulb moment when an angry mob and a few diehard poiticians decided to blame the murder of nine black people at the Emanuel AME Church shooting on the Confederate flag at the South Carolina statehouse and called for its removal from state property because it is allegedly a symbol of hate.

Are we missing the big picture here? The far left reaches for this race card only if they don't have an intellectual answer for a come back. The Confederate battle flag is the symbol of states rights not of hate.

Slavery began in America because the Negroes of Africa hogtied and sold their own people to the Portuguese merchants 500 years ago because the Native Indians could not adapt to the harsh climate.

In spite of popular belief the Civil War was caused by states rights being violated not the slavery issue.

The 1858 Lincoln diaries show that Lincoln considered shipping blacks to Africa as a solution to the slavery problem. Historians agree that the North only took slavery serious after the first two years of the war because the South was winning majority of the battles.

Finally Lincoln decided to change the tactics or lose the war. On Sept. 22, 1862, he announced that unless the rebelling states returned to the union by Jan 1, 1863, he would issue a proclamation freeing their slaves. The South ignored his warning and so on New Year's Day 1863 Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

The Democratic party is the remnant of a time long past. The Democratic party has not come to terms of the evil of its power. While the Republican party and Lincoln represented the Union and the free states, the Democratic party and Jefferson Davis represented the Confederate states and slavery.

Unbeknownst to America on April 14, 1865, the assassination of President Lincoln left the South with little hope for a nonvindicitive reconstruction. Congress passed a series of harsh laws and was supported by an army of occupation for 10 years of reconstruction and was held back 100 years economically.

While the Confederate flag is being eradicated from history and put inside a glass case along with the U.S. Constitution, progressives use twisted versions of history and symbolism to bolster its power and help divide America. I believe that progressives have become the thing that they fear most, bigoted.

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