Your Opinion: Corporate farms gain ground

Dear Editor:

Tom Judge, I'm not Kristie Scheulen and I do have a bias against large factory farms, just as Kristie has a bias for them. I suggest you dig "deep" on the net to find details and answers to your questions. I quote from

"As early as 1996 the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) based in Washington DC began pushing factory farms through its model Right to Farm legislation and it was soon cropping up in state capitols across the country."

Sound familiar? ALEC corporate backers among others, Cargill, Monsanto, Dupont etc. I'm suggesting big corporate farms don't support the family farm and in fact will run them out of business. And yet we welcome them to Missouri under the guise of protecting them from lawsuits from humane societies and animal welfare groups. Who has deeper pockets than these corporations? Who has a greater foothold with our state government and the feds? You decide.

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