Your Opinion: Democrats blame GOP for scandals

Dear Editor:

The $64,000 question: "How long would it take any liberal Democrat to admit the Obama administration's responsibility for any problem or error?" The answer is: never, just keep blaming someone else and if a scapegoat can't be found then lie your way out of it.

The letters blaming Bush and/or the Republicans for everything that has gone wrong or is going wrong since Obama's election is really getting old. It seems like after five and one-half years even they would respect us, who are not dumbstruck by the charismatic king Obama, to at least be silent on his and his loyal subject's errors and omissions.

Maybe it's a failing of our school system. Maybe they don't understand that when the Democrat party has control of all three branches of government for two years and control of the Senate and the presidency for three and one-half years that it's actually impossible for the Republicans to be responsible for any of this total national chaos of which we are all victims. As a matter of fact, the Democrat-controlled Senate changed the rules on filibustering such that Republicans can't even hold up a vote on what the Democrats want to do.

The only real accomplishment of Obama that I can think of is the killing of Osama Bin Laden. On the other hand there are many total failures, debacles and outright corruption by this administration that the Republicans had no part in nor ability to restrain. For a top 20 list of scandals as of July 3, 2013 by veteran White House reporter, Keith Koffler, one can visit

Other scandals occurring since this list was created are; The Obamacare lie ""if you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what," The VA scandal. In a 2007 press release Sen. Obama's campaign promise: "As president, I won't stand for hundreds of thousands of veterans waiting for benefits. We'll make sure that our disabled receive the benefits they deserve." Of course the latest ongoing scandal is the alleged illegal swap of five of the most dangerous Gitmo held terrorists for one deserter.

It almost seems now that actions are being taken by this administration just to divert attention from investigations of ongoing scandals for which they have no viable defense or are stonewalling to cover up.

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