Your Opinion: Response to Cowan on e-cigarettes

Dear Editor:

I'm writing in response to Stan Cowan's letter published April 24 titled "Cartoon clouds concerns about e-cigarettes." It's blatantly obvious that Cowan has used the decades-old method by liberals which is to distort the facts and personally attack those with whom they disagree to advance their agenda.

An absolute untrue statement Cowan made is: "Jim Dyke persists in defending nicotine addiction in spite of the facts." Nowhere in his cartoon does he do that. Also Cowan totally ignores the word option in the statement "zero tobacco with zero nicotine option." One must consider that words like option are poison to liberals and must be ignored by them. The word option infers one should have the personal freedom to make choices about life decisions.

To promote or allow true freedom of choice to be made from truthful information would be a death knell to the liberal socialist agenda. Hence the reason our constitutional freedoms are constantly being eliminated at every turn by this most liberal administration and its enablers.

I would be very interested to read an equally long letter by Cowan stating his opinion on the legalization of marijuana as he did about e-cigarettes. I could be wrong but since it seems that this latest push by the' 60s hippy generation to further destroy our culture is somewhat hypocritical when they on one hand make every effort to curtail smoking even e-cigarettes but are working as hard as possible to legalize a much more potent and damaging drug.

Reference is made to the 4/20 celebration by pot smokers in San Francisco. (

Bottom line, over 12 were arrested, they left five tons of trash and it cost the city $15,000 to clean it up. Somehow I can't recall any gathering of tobacco or e-cigarette smokers causing this kind of havoc.

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