Your Opinion: Stereotyping dilutes argument

Dear Editor:

In recent letters local readers including myself have challenged the opinions posted by Harold Horstmann. I am not surprised that in his rebuttal he clings to more stereotypes and unsubstantiated opinion.

In Horstmann's last post titled, "All liberals are alike" he doubles down in his belief that anyone who harbors liberal values are fundamentally dishonest. My question to Horstmann would be have you met all liberals? Did you go door to door all across the country and interview everyone who has embraced any form of liberalism? Has Horstmann left his post in Lohman to put together a psychiatric profile for everyone that has voted Democrat?

Of course not; these are all stereotypes. We live in a diverse country where people's behavioral and social tendencies can vary depending on the values and convictions of each individual. As a business owner in our community I have learned not to make assumptions or harbor stereotypes. Horstmann might find it interesting that even though I would consider myself a Democrat, I tend to embrace mostly fiscally conservative values and, on occasion, support Republican political figures If they seem to be the best person for the job. This is why stereotypes don't work because all people are different.

In regard to Rush Limbaugh I would like to ask Horstmann exactly what he is since he is not simply an entertainer and you deny him to be a journalist. He either broadcasts news or opinion. Which one is it? And no it is not true that the vulgar Sandra Fluke comments were the only mistakes made by Limbaugh. Here are a couple other quotes made by Limbaugh if anyone is confused as to deciding if he is news or entertainment.

Rush commented that feminism was established to allow unattractive women access to mainstream society. Rush proclaimed that they should change Black History month to Black Progress month and start measuring it. This sounds like entertainment to me but Horstmann has not yet made it clear if Limbaugh is news or entertainment.

Horstmann made the comment that liberals have to destroy an opponent to win. I think most of us would accept the fact that politics has become a pretty dirty game. Look at the birther movement and look at how John Kerry's military service record was attacked during the 2004 campaign.

As much as I disagree with Horstmann's philosophy I think the dialogue between us is what makes America great. Everyone has the right to their own opinion without fear of retribution even if our opinion is critical of the government.

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