Your Opinion: Issue is religious freedom, not contraception

Dear Editor:

When I was a boy in junior high school there was a name girls were called that slept around and that was a "slut." Back then the term wasn't "sleeping around,' but the one Rush Limbaugh used on his show this past week for which he has been roundly criticized in the media. My question is, "what has changed with society that what girls that had pre-marital sex with many different guys were once called sluts by guys and girls, now have some sort of virtue and that term is no longer appropriate?"

From reading Bob Boldt's latest rant one can only surmise that he is also in favor of the death penalty for the most vile amongst us, since he is okay with killing the most defenseless amongst us (unborn children).

I am one of the most pro choice individuals you will find, prior to conception. After conception there is another life that must be taken into consideration. I know the nine old dudes in Washington have allowed the situation we now have, but they are not always correct.

Remember they once ruled that if you "owned" slaves, they would only count as three-fifths of a person for the census. I think we have come a long way since then.

It seems to me that if an individual can afford to go to a very expensive law school, Georgetown, why can't they afford their own contraception? Maybe it's because she didn't choose Georgetown solely because of its status as a good law school. She chose to attend there to send a message that even the Roman Catholic Church "must" modify their religious belief system to accommodate her desire for no cost to her contraception. This controversy is not about contraception, which is very inexpensive at about $4 per month at Walmart or even free at some places. This controversy is all about religious freedom which I think might be covered by our U.S. Constitution.

By the way Boldt, I would like to know where you get the idea that God blamed the women for the fall of man? It's really sad that there are actually people with Bob Boldt's beliefs. He should spend more time contacting Christopher Hitchens rather than have us endure his endlessly senseless drivel. I know he will not respond but I thought it worth the effort.

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