Area flu outbreak ebbs

VERSAILLES - Attendance counts were back to normal Monday morning after a 21⁄2-day closure at Morgan County R-2 School District because of a flu outbreak among students and faculty.

"(Monday morning), our high school is reporting 96 percent attendance and our middle school is close to average at 92 percent attendance," said Joyce Ryerson, assistant superintendent.

Ryerson said the incident began Wednesday when the high school principal noticed several students had called in sick and more than 20 additional students were coming into the office saying they felt ill.

"Once the kids got into class, we ran the attendance numbers and noticed they were down around the mid- to low 80s (in percentage). We typically run around 93 percent on average for attendance," she said. "For it to be in the 80s, we knew something was going on. The kids continued to come in and reporting they were sick or getting sick, and the attendance numbers continued to drop."

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