Your Opinion: More responses debunking falsehood

Dale C. Doerhoff, Jefferson City, writes:

Dear Editor:

A two-second Google search shows that the "facts" in Mr. Givens' letter about a so-called "anti-American agenda" came from a fanciful satire by John Semmens on "Semi-News." Sen. Obama was not a guest on "Meet the Press" on Sept. 7, 2008. (The guests were Sen. Joe Biden and author Tom Friedman). Gen. Bill Ginn was not asking the questions.

The quote attributed to Obama never happened. The events in the quote never happened - no flag burning ceremonies, no re-inventing the national anthem, etc. This piece of fiction has been circulating around the Internet for over three years and has been thoroughly debunked.

The fact that this made-up story is still being published as if it were true says something about the sad state of what passes for political debate in 2012.

Joyce Bresee, Jefferson City, writes:

Dear Editor:

Here we go again.

Where did you run across this interview on "Meet the Press," Mr. Givens? On the Internet? Because you certainly didn't get it from "Meet the Press."

According to Snopes (where anybody who gives a darn about the truth checks this Internet junk) this piece started arriving in September 2008 naming the interviewer as General Bill Ginn, USAF (ret). (The part about reinventing the national anthem and disrespecting the flag etc. was appended to later versions of the e-mail. ) 

However Sen. Obama wasn't among the guests on that day's show. Those were Sen. Joe Biden and author Tom Friedman.

Apparently you can't find anything in his actual actions as president to disagree with (you obviously haven't looked very hard) or you wouldn't be grasping at the old straws of false and outlandish accusations such as this to encourage opposition.

Steven Brown, Holts Summit, writes:

Dear Editor:

Censorship is against every principle that the USA is about. But when an article can be printed, I refer to Dennis Givens' letter on Jan. 17 concerning President Obama, that is nothing but urban legend, where and when do you draw the line? He is either very naive or just a blatant liar, pick you poison.

His entire letter is nothing but urban legend, not an ounce of truth. Please keep in mind, nobody on this planet wants Obama to lose in 2012 more than I do! He is a socialist to the core and made me want to hurl as his first duty as commander and chief was to tour the world apologizing for the most generous country in the world.

But spewing this unfounded propaganda (lies) does nothing to promote a change in America that can really make a difference a Republican in the Oval Office starting 2013.

In the meantime Givens should either verify his lies or not be allowed to publish another letter. Opinions are one thing, he crossed the line and I expect the paper to recognize this behavior and not allow it.

You see, Mr. Givens, you don't have to make things up, the truth about Mr. and Mrs. Obama is bad enough.

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