Your Opinion: Retroactive rate hike proposed

Dear Editor:

As I stated in my letter of last Sunday, the AmerenUE rate increase saga is starting to intensify.

It has come to my attention that there is legislation that would allow utilities that are awarded a rate increase to retroactively charge consumers that higher rate for the time it takes to conduct a rate increase.

Can you believe this, a retroactive rate increase. For confirmation, refer to Missouri Senate Bill 759, sponsored by Missouri Republican Sen. Brad Lager, District 12.

This new retroactive double rate increase would apply to all services, electric, gas and water consumers.

If you think that Ameren's current asking rate increase is outrageous, this Senate bill if passed will bankrupt many folks who are barely making ends meet now.

When will this greed come to an end, when will our legislators realize who they represent. Obviously they are not giving their constituents any consideration at all.

The last time when Ameren was granted their increase per the Missouri Public Service Commission, they stated they had to as the law had tied their hands.

When you peruse this SB you'll understand how the MPSC is limited in what they can do.

As I stated before, "we" the consumer need to contact their legislator. Unless they hear from us, they'll assume to proceed with approving this Senate bill.

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