Your Opinion: Program's troubling signal

Dear Editor:

I started this letter this morning Oct. 16 to give kudos to Ms. McMillin and Smith for their efforts to seek civility in the Greek Drama playing out on your Opinion Pages "Protagonists v Antagonists." However, the morning headline caught my attention: "School meals provided key indicator."

Indeed, there can be few who would deny that this is a troubling sign of the economic woes facing the parents of school-aged children, many undoubtedly middle class citizens. I can only conjecture that if the Jefferson School patrons and in such economic straits, the patrons of smaller, more rural district must be in much tougher financial straits.

Given the demographic profile of the Central Missouri region, one could not successfully argue that the cause for this situation is due to immigrants and other "undesirable" persons. I can only imagine the plight these youngsters would be in today if it were not for "big government" lending a helping hand. Indeed, we are not just feeding today's less fortunate, but tomorrow's citizens.

Thank you for posting this distressing news as a headline so as to grab our collective attention.

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