Your Opinion: Response to Haslag on vitriolic language

Dear Editor:

I took Mr. Haslag's suggestion and reread Mr. Brown's submittal to the opinion page and the question I have is, "What's the problem with what he said?"

I too think at this day and time that Herman Cain is a very good candidate for president. He has been employed in the private sector contrary to the current resident who has never been employed in the private sector. Mr. Cain has more experience as being an executive in his little finger than Obama has in his entire body.

Haslag says, "It is arrogance to present a policy view in a serious discussion without some semblance of verifiable and quantitatively accurate data, some statement of demonstrable fact or logical progression." Mr. Haslag you don't seem to know anything about serious discussion, accurate data, demonstrable fact, or logic. I call your attention to previous letters that you have written to this forum trying to destroy President Reagan's legacy. We all know what you have said is poppycock.

You sir and your cohorts are constantly saying that those who do not agree with you, are on talk radio, are tea party members, or Fox news watchers, use hate speech, rely on political spin, but never mention those on your side of the issues that use worse language when talking about their opponents. Remember what Jimmy Hoffa, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and Richard Trumka have used more vitriol in their language than anyone on the other side of the issues.

Your side wishes to demonize tea party adherents while ignoring the long-haired, maggot-infested hippy freaks protesting on Wall Street today. Tea party individuals have never been arrested for fermenting violence during their rallies like the protesters on Wall Street. If you would bother to read the Wall Street protester's signage verses tea party signage, you would see a big difference.

And where do you get off by saying, "It is arrogance to respond with unctuous wrath at the intimation that race and the color of this president's skin are factors in some depth of opposition that confronts him." This president has not been slurred to the degree that George W. Bush was by your ilk, including members of Congress who just happen to be Democrats. Do you remember what Bill Marr said about both President Bush and Vice President Cheney?

I guess that's okay since Bush and Cheney were Republicans.

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