Your Opinion: Study reflects lack of respect

Dear Editor:

The study done by the Economic Policy Institute about Missouri state employees receiving 23.9 percent less than our private sector counterparts in March 4 News Tribune really shows a lack of respect and interest in compensating state employees. We work hard and are rated 50th in state employee pay, our state partially paid health insurance changes, the new laws regarding new state employees hired after Jan. 1 and now this study.

I know we have been hard hit by the economy decline, but when will this all turn around for state employees. Our state Legislature has taken no hit on their benefits or their per diem while they are in session, even those that live year round around the Jefferson City area. We have to use a system called Conas, which now has been lowered for state employees and now added to our income when we are reimbursed by the state.

Our state Legislature and our governor are making it impossible to recruit new talent for state government openings. When will this all end.

We have been in the top 10 states in our Workforce Investment performance and we work hard to provide Missourians with good paying jobs and provide employers good employees. Most of our positions are federally funded and do not use general revenue monies to provide services.

I am very proud to be a state employee and want to do the best job possible for Missourians.

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