Your Opinion: Like Facebook, Fox News makes money from fanning flames

Mike Barnhill


Dear Editor:

A "whistleblower" and former employee of Facebook has gone on record that Facebook makes more and more money off conversations concerning hate and distrust. She said the longer a Facebook user is online the more advertisement money Facebook makes. If you are a Facebook user, please give that statement some thought. If you are constantly online discussing the pros and cons of controversial subjects such as politics, immigration, abortion, race issues and religion, are you not contributing to the Facebook fortunes made in advertisement fees? It seems to me that solving those controversial issues using Facebook is like putting out a fire using gasoline.

If an online internet company can make a fortune off users discussing hate and distrust, what's keeping TV news sources from doing the same thing? The answer is absolutely nothing. You can bet that any form of news that involves the discussion of hate and distrust is making lots of money in the way of advertising fees. Key Fox News celebrities such as Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly are making fortunes off the same method of spreading the news. The news doesn't have to be absolutely true, just close enough to make listeners keep tuning into Fox News.

In summary, finding a non-partial news source is very difficult, but not impossible. Your major networks such as ABC, NBC and CBS do a fairly good job of giving a news report without an evaluation, leaving it up to the listener to make up his mind. Only by comparison of news stories can a worthy summary and truth be found. Please give your major networks a try once more to gain the truth in news.

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