Your Opinion: Old GOP replaced by cult of Trump

David V. Awbrey

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

My hat is off to the people at the News Tribune who work with LTEs because it is clear to me from reading the letters to the NT that about three frequent writers could easily be members of the American Right Wing. One of them even wrote in his letter to the NT that Americans who are Democrats are Satanists. There are about two or three liberal writers to the NT and the rest are in between or so.

I commend the NT for the inclusion of political cartoons from other newspapers. It creates more balance to the paper. It's important to local readers that there is a bigger world out there than just here.

I am so sad the old Republican Party is gone now, replaced by the cult of Trump. Every so often, an old member of the GOP will stand out for a while and they are gone, such as Republican U.S. Sen. Roy Blunt. While he is conservative and I have disagreements with him, he is a principled person and for that I admire him.

One aspect of the new cult of Trump and his followers is a lack of principles. I say this because when the old Republican Party met, in their conventions they would spend hours if not days on setting forth the party's principles of what the party believed in. When they met in 2020, the new cult party said what we believed in 2016 is what we believe in now despite any changes that may have occurred in the past four years and projected changes as well. Let us see what they do in 2024.

President Joe Biden needs to remember 44 percent of his vote total was because his last name did not start with the letter T. Ouch. P. S., I did not vote for either candidate for president, but I did write in the name of another person who later had to resign as governor of New York as he should have.

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