Your Opinion: Non-citizens were once allowed to vote

Dale Reichel


Dear Editor:

On National Public Radio I believe it was Feb. 2, it was reported that for I believe 150 years, non-citizens, migrants, "illegals" nowadays, could actually vote in our elections, in 40 states. Yes!

They reported that non-citizens could even run for office in many states. These things all varied from state to state.

They also reported the 13 colonies allowed non-citizens to vote. Then sometime in the 1920s or 1930s, if I recall correctly, all this stopped.

I thought it was an eye-opener. So many rightists cry about voter fraud now and immigrants voting illegally, and here it used to be legal in most states.

Hey, I think refugees, migrants, people coming to the U.S. ought to register and vote. It won't bother me a bit. After half the voters voted in 2016 and 2020 the way they did, I believe non-citizen voting should be welcomed by all.

I think non-citizens would have more sense than many of our citizens do.

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