Your Opinion: Soy-based tires

Stu Dunkel

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Following up your news report (April 29) and editorial cartoon (May 2) about the Cole County sheriff trying soy-based patrol car tires. I wish the sheriff good luck with this. The state of Illinois tried a similar experiment in 1944.

Due to WWII's need for steel, Illinois decided to use a soy-based compound to make 1944 vehicle license plates, returning quickly to steel. Hogs, raccoons and other soy-loving animals feasted, eating licenses off cars and trucks.

It certainly was odd following a farm truck with half a license plate. I advise thorough tire inspection when a deputy returns to a rural parked squad car assuring all four tires are still there and undamaged.

I have Illinois 1944 license plate number 33,726 from a car operated in Chicago.

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