Your Opinion: Embarrassed yet for voting Dem?

Curtis Thompson

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

In the last 60 days are readers who voted Democrat embarrassed by their votes?

Kamala Harris, president-in-waiting, laughs about the border crisis despite thousands of children detained in poor facilities in violation of a consent agreement entered during Obama's administration, thousands of illegal immigrants with criminal records being released into the country, and the more than 100 testing positive for COVID-19 being released as well. Harris has sat down with sexual predator Bill Clinton to discuss "women empowerment," proving again that she will do anything to improve her reputation with sexual predators.

Biden had to use written talking points and a list of who to call upon during his only news conference.

U.S. Sens. Mazie Hirano and Tammy Duckworth stated they would not vote for any nominee solely based upon their race and sexual identity, acts of obvious bigotry.

Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo, accused of sexual misconduct by eight women, continues covering up the thousands of deaths he caused by forcing nursing homes to accommodate COVID-19 positive patients.

Democrats passed a $2 trillion "stimulus" bill to address issues from the pandemic that had less than 10 percent of its costs related to COVID.

Democrats call the filibuster a "relic of Jim Crow" even though they used it during Trump's administration to prevent his legislative policies, that they were the architects of Jim Crow policies in the segregated South, Biden praised Robert Byrd as his mentor (who was a recruiter for the KKK), and, as senators, Obama and Biden defended the filibuster in April 2005.

Democrats try to pass a bill that prohibits signature verification for voting but require signature verification in California in the attempt to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Democrats ignore the Constitution in trying to make Washington, D.C., a state and trying to eliminate states' authority over their election laws.

Democrats are trying to steal an Iowa House seat that has been certified. Stop the steal!

Biden violated his pledge not to raise taxes on the middle class and justify it with lies. It is precisely what he did as vice president. He will raise your taxes and tell you he hasn't. See

Democrat leaders are bigots who will raise taxes. No one has ever challenged these claims with facts. Are you who voted Democrat embarrassed yet? Remember this in 2022.

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