Your Opinion: What is freedom?

Hugh Odneal

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

What does freedom mean? We all desire it but can mere laws grant them? Freedoms and morality can be legalized but it is only with a change of heart that they can be realized. I know of only one place we can find this solution, the Bible. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Matthew 7:12 This sounds simple and logical yet few, if any, are able to attain it because we are selfish, we want our way and desire to compromise rather than live obedient lives.

About 245 years ago 56 men signed the most significant and amazing document of American history. It wasn't for the intent to separate but to unite. It listed 27 grievances against the king and nation of Great Britain to live as equals to them, with equal rights, it was refused, thus the Revolutionary War. But it wasn't perfect; it would be another 89 years before slavery was abolished with the 13th Amendment a further three years for citizenship to slaves in the 14th Amendment, and another two years given the right to vote in the 15th Amendment.

Despite these amendments, people have still found ways to exploit them. So here we are 245 years later still fighting amongst ourselves what we fought against with Great Britain, equal rights for all. The United States does not need more laws on equal rights; it needs more leaders and judges defending equal rights without bias or prejudice for all! Every official takes an oath of office, often with their hand on a Bible, to defend and protect the United States and Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Our courts and other public buildings display our nation's motto, "One Nation Under God," yet we are often denied the right to mention God in schools and at public meetings. Many of our leaders are more concerned about themselves than about those they serve.

This Independence Day, let us truly celebrate equal rights by recognizing we are all equally sinners in need of a Savior. If we are born-again Christians we are to humbly share the Gospel to the world. Our message yesterday was about what is the Gospel. The Gospel is this: Jesus came and died for my sins, the sins of mankind, arose victorious over the penalty for sin, death, and will return someday to judge.

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