Your Opinion: Cars should not be charged at taxpayer expense

Larry R. Branson

Jefferson City

Dear editor:

I read a July 17 article in your newspaper titled, "Missouri preparing to put vehicle charging stations in parks."

A budget measure approved by the Legislature was signed by Gov. Mike Parson providing $1 million to the state Department of Natural Resources to begin installing stations in parks. It further says several other states are doing the same.

According to DNR, Missouri's plans are in their "initial stages."

Interestingly, West Virginia has them in nine of their parks and they are free of charge.

I do not understand the thought process that someone's electric car should be charged at the expense of our state taxpayers. My hope is Missouri has more good sense than this. All other drivers pay their fuel expenses, which include the rated taxes to maintain roads and bridges.

This is a process that should be followed and critiqued by the Missouri taxpayers.

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