Your Opinion: Historic video parallels recent events

Harold H. Horstmann


Dear Editor:

I call your attention to a video that every freedom-loving patriotic American should watch that will amaze as a frightening historic event paralleling the recent events and the responding speech curtailment and show of military force in Washington, D.C.

Video: Dennis Prager -"This Is the Reichstag Fire, Relived'' ( relived_3657503.html?utm_source=news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2021-01-15-2). Following is a synopsis: On Feb. 27, 1933, the Reichstag (German parliament) building burns in Berlin. Hitler used the event to convince President Hindenburg to declare a state of emergency, suspending important constitutional safeguards. "Though the origins of the fire are still unclear, in a propaganda maneuver, the coalition government (made up of Nazis and the Nationalists) blamed the Communists. They exploited the Reichstag fire to secure President Hindenburg's approval for an emergency decree, popularly known as the Reichstag Fire Decree, that suspended individual rights and due process of law. The Reichstag Fire Decree permitted the regime to arrest and incarcerate political opponents without specific charge, dissolve political organizations, and to suppress publications. It also gave the central government the authority to overrule state and local laws and overthrow state and local governments. The decree was a key step in the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship. Germany became a police state in which citizens enjoyed no guaranteed basic rights and the SS, the elite guard of the Nazi state, wielded increasing authority through its control over the police. (

If one would substitute the Democrat Party for "Nazis and the Nationalists" and Trump voters for "Communists" in the above paragraph you would have an alarming parallel to our current political events.

Although the participants are different in that the socialist Democrat Party is essentially a front for corporate America wooing Communist China (CCP) for their economic prowess and the social media giants as their enabler, the result will be the same, the death of our Constitutional Republic and the freedoms it guarantees!

God save America!

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