Your Opinion: Rioters most certainly will be caught

Larry M. Wohlgemuth

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

People who took part in the riotous insurrection in Washington, D.C., are wondering if they will be caught. The answer is most certainly you will, and here is why.

Tips. The riot was on Wednesday, and by Friday the police and FBI had already collected 4,000 tips. One was a woman who turned in her ex-husband, a retired lieutenant colonial from the Air Force. Another was a young woman who reported her mother, aunt and uncle. They abused her because she was LGBTQ. Does anyone have a grudge against you?

Travel and credit card information. Flight manifests, hotel registrations and credit cards will identify you as having been in D.C. during the riots. Do you use cash only, and did you drive?

Facial recognition software. Washington, D.C., is the city of cameras. Virtually every square foot of D.C. is under surveillance. Your face will be run through multiple databases using facial recognition software. Did you smile for the cameras?

Cellphone data. Unless your phone was turned off, you left a digital footprint. If you were in D.C. it will show. In fact, because of the repeater system used in the Capitol, they will even be able to identify which room you were in. You left a digital trail of breadcrumbs for them to follow. Was your cellphone on?

So, "Will I be caught," is the wrong question to ask. The right question is, "Are my friends at the FBI office right now throwing me under the bus so they can get a deal?"

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