Your Opinion: Hawley’s shameful behavior

Deborah Steward

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Mr. Hawley, the title of “senator” is one of respect and must be earned to be deserved. You do not deserve this title. You have knowingly attempted to subvert a lawful election in order to keep a demagogue in power. On Jan. 6, 2021, from the moment you were captured on camera giving the “Proud Boy” salute to the Trump rioters and insurrectionists on the Capitol grounds; you have behaved shamefully. I watched the horrifying events that took place Jan. 6, and I listened in utter disbelief when, after the chambers had been cleared of rioters, you gave a speech in which you doubled down on your intention to submit an objection, specifically, to the Pennsylvania results.

In a statement posted days before on social media, you claimed states such as Pennsylvania “failed to follow their own state election laws.” You are a well-educated person, and therefore you know this is false.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which is the authority on Pennsylvania law, rejected numerous Republican-backed lawsuits before and after the election. The U.S. Supreme Court also refused to consider a challenge from Pennsylvania Republicans to block the certification of the results. Why have you set yourself up as an authority with more knowledge than judges on state and federal supreme courts? I can only think of one reason: your desire to woo Donald Trump’s base and thus set yourself up for a presidential run in 2024. In other words, a blatant grab for power.

Our country has suffered for four years under a power-hungry president, one who has stopped at nothing, including inciting insurrection. Is this the mantle you seek? I heard it said on one of the news channels on the morning following the riot, that after Donald Trump, Josh Hawley bore the greatest blame for inciting the mob. I believe history will remember this. It will definitely record this day. Your name, along with that stunning photo, will go down in the history books.

And by the way, Mr. Hawley, “irregardless,” a word you used in your speech Jan. 6, is nonstandard English. While it may be in wide use among those such as the Trumpsters, educated and literate people use the correct term: “regardless.” You may want to remember this when you are trying to impress people with your superior knowledge.

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