Your Opinion: Too lazy to get an ID to vote?

Tom Ault

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

I have finally become completely disgusted with those in our country who have the idea that nothing matters except their personal welfare.

If it were necessary to show a photo ID to get something for nothing, there are many in this country who would immediately do so. Why? In their mind, it would be a boon for them personally.

Today, there are many trying to convince the rest of us that it is not necessary to have a photo ID to vote. I guarantee you that those people also believe that money is printed with no need for value to back it up. When the time comes that they can no longer afford to buy groceries will they realize that they caused the problem through their non-caring about this United States.

Those same people complain about how our country is run but are too lazy to get the proper ID to vote. We are admitting tens of thousands of people to enter our country and not become citizens. Do you honestly believe they know enough to vote or even care? Find any country in this world that would offer them citizenship with no proof of who they are.

It has been my policy to not write this kind of an opinion, but when I see what is happening each and every day, and see and hear all the things that are being done to dismantle this country, silence is no longer a luxury any of us can afford!

Every day, on the news, we see men accused of molestation, most of which seems to be politically motivated. Every day we see people standing with their arms extended upward and complaining instead of having their arms downward and working! Every day we see and hear people complaining about one thing or another rather than thanking their maker for the home they have and the food they receive.

Wake up and thank God for what you have. Do something other than feel so sorry for yourself you cannot see the forest for the trees. A day of reckoning is coming and it is not too far in the distant future. The past is past look to the future and turn hate into love and caring.

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