Your Opinion: Media bias against conservatives

Harold H. Horstmann


Dear Editor:

It's difficult to believe how our local and mainstream media and now social media platforms are attempting to deceive us citizens by their unbelievable bias against any conservative thought, speech, government leader or candidate!

The News Tribune chose to publish on Sept. 29 the following AP article on the front page: "NY Times: Trump paid $750 in US income taxes in 2016, 2017." This information was from an anonymous source that has not been verified nor investigated as true or as a probable illegal leaking of confidential information under federal statute.

I refer to the following Oct. 7 article by Joel B. Pollack: 'Russia's Putin Praises 'Ideological' Links Between Democrats, Soviet Communism' (

"Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that he could work with Joe Biden in a new administration, citing common ground he shared with the Democrats over a shared embrace of Soviet ideology. Bloomberg News reported that while Putin praised President Donald Trump for improving relations, he was prepared to work with Biden if he won the U.S. election."

On Oct. 14 the New York Post, the fourth-largest newspaper in the U.S. published the following: "Hunter Biden emails show leveraged connection with his father to boost Barisma pay," by Emma-Jo Morris and Gabrielle Fonrouge ( The FBI had Hunter Biden's laptop since 12/2019 with this clear evidence of the pay for play scheme(s) and was deliberately hiding this evidence of corruption. This proves the corrupt FBI's complicity with the Democrats in their attempted coup to invalidate the Trump election!

Fox News and Newsmax, to my knowledge, are the only major news outlets reporting on this alleged influence peddling, pay for play corruption in our government leadership!

Why does an unconfirmed negative unimportant article on Trump deserve front-page coverage while obvious major news stories involving possible future and past alleged corruption in our nation's foreign relations by our leaders are ignored?

When will honest, unbiased investigative journalism return to our news and social media so we citizens can be truly and completely informed to make sure our leaders we elect are honest, trustworthy and place the nation's interest before their own personal gain?

God save America!

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