Your Opinion: Don't attack the plaque

Edith Vogel and Rose Vogel Mengwasser

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Stop tearing down history.

Anti-slavery groups of the 1800s merged to become the Republican Party, the Union.

Republicans' pursuit of equality for Black Americans angered Democrats.

In recent decades, Republicans marched with Martin Luther King Jr. for civil rights.

Republicans have always fought for individual financial freedom and success for all.

One thing you sometimes hear about, a magical "switching of parties," is a lie.

There was no magical switching of parties that allows Democrats to blame their past on Republicans.

The 1800s Democratic Party was the confederacy, and the KKK white supremacist group was a spin-off.

Democrats try hard to project their party's past onto the anti-slavery Republican Party.

In 1864, pro-slavery Democrats (the Confederate Army) advanced toward Jefferson City led by a former Democrat Missouri Governor, Confederate General Sterling Price.

In 1864, he decided against an attack on Jefferson City.

A marker on Moreau Drive acknowledges the democrat's decision to cancel the attack.

In 1933, the united daughters of these Democrats (officially the "United Daughters of the Confederacy") dedicated the plaque on Moreau Drive to record the event.

The plaque does not offer praise, nor complaint, just the date.

The new generation of Democrats don't know history. They want to tear down many historical monuments.

Most of what they destroy representations their own Democratic Party's history.

Their tantrum seeks attention. Their anger lingers from losing the 2016 election. They don't accept the results. They resist every inch of the way.

Instead of their "cancel culture," what they need is more history, not less.

Get educated and join the real anti-slavery, anti-discrimination party which is the Republican Party.

We urge the group which we unofficially call, "United Sons and Daughters of Democrats" to follow the example of their party's Confederate General Sterling Price who turned away from an attack.

Just like him, they should decide against an attack on the plaque. "Don't attack the plaque!"

Democrats, we don't hold you responsible for what your ancestors did.

Leave it alone. We could put a new plaque on the other side of the Moreau Drive rock that reads, "Deciding against attack in 2020, the united great, great, great, great-grandchildren of the Democratic Party confederates turned away from their plan to destroy history."

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