Your Opinion: Liberal vs. conservative comparison

Mike Barnhill


Dear Editor:

Voters think that political differences are simply a clash between "liberals" and "conservatives." I wish it was that simple. To differentiate between the two views, I'll use several examples.

Conservatives want laws and ways of existing to seldom change. In this example of conservatism, I'll use a time-honored saying "The only thing in this life you can depend on is change." One has to adjust to change not fight it. For illustration "25 cent gas won't be seen in our lifetime, however it did go down to $1.25 for a very short time. Who would ever have thought of paying $20 for a bucket of chicken? The cost of a funeral is in excess of $9,000. Little wonder cremation has grown more popular. The list goes on and on.

Liberals want changes done immediately. This rapid change concept often does not go over well with the general public. We only have to look at racism in America as a current example of how blacks are often treated unfairly to understand the American Civil War was only the first step in "freedom for all." Liberals fight for changes in health care protection for the young and the old in the Affordable Care Act. Guaranteed protection for those having pre-existing conditions. Wage increases for women doing the same jobs as men. The list goes on and on.

Why do both the Democrats and Republicans claw at each other's throats in any type of political disagreement? What ever happened to "We can disagree, but we don't have to be disagreeable"? Have the words "humble" and "respectful" been stricken from the English language? So it would seem. The loudest and longest spoken voices are now the leaders in America politics. What ever happened to words like "compromise," "compassion" and "treat people like you'd like to be treated?"

The political slogan of "Make America Great Again" is a wonderful expression. However, thinking we can go back to the "good old days" is a pipe dream. Besides, upon closer examination, were the "good old days" actually that much better in wages, healthcare and means of affordable transportation?

If only "conservatives" were a little more inclined to accept inevitable change and "liberals" were more apt to accept that change often requires more financial responsibility as in "who's supposed to pay for these changes?" Perhaps we could all get along a little better.

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