Your Opinion: Change will take time

Mike Barnhill


Dear Editor:

Joe Biden has recently stated, "It will take more than one or two terms of presidential change to cure what ails us all." Personally, I think it may take a generation of young people to overcome the racial discord demonstrated in our nation recently. Perhaps, it would help if high schools required a course in racial awareness as early as possible in their curriculum.

An excellent movie called "Mississippi Burning" would be a jaw dropping opening entry into the educational program as to what has frustrated Black people for decades. Most youths aren't aware of the efforts made to even allow Black people to ride a bus, much less allowed to vote in a "free election."

I'd venture to say, if white supremacists would be forced to go into combat with a Black person they might just change their minds about what's right and what's wrong in their racial attitudes. When two men are forced to share a foxhole and each is responsible for the other's life a bond can form that's unbreakable. That foxhole can also contain red skins, yellow skins, atheists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, female combat soldiers and yes even gays.

Leadership starts at the top and when you have a president who only demonstrates self awareness and bull-headedness with no compassion you get these type of recent results.

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