Your Opinion: Vote with your mind, not your allegiances

Tom Wieberg

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

I have been working with the unemployed while the last three presidents were in office. I had never seen so many people exhaust their unemployment insurance (UI) benefits, as when Obama was in office. The numbers got down to 5 percentile because so many stopped looking for work. Small businesses were regulated to stay small. If they had slightly more than 50 employees, they laid off. If any business grew to the point they needed 50 employees or more, the (small) business was cut back to curtail new hiring (all due to Obamacare).

This is just one of the regulations that Trump cut. Big businesses were moving out. Trump loosened the regulations, and suddenly, the gig and small companies began to hire again. Now, recently, we had to hire new staff - not because the Trump jobs were weak but because their jobs were being controlled by the mass media, who has been lying to us, again. Even the CDC admits the death rate of COVID-19 patients are at .03 percent in U.S. This is hardly worth the lay-offs of millions of workers and canceling schools. Fox News was the only national broadcast news that took the time to study the news, as it developed, and broadcast their findings.

Today, if your fake news is telling you the stock market was weak, now is a good time to sell them all. Last week Friday, the NASDAQ was just short of 10,000 (-56.95 short); S&P was at 3115.34. While these are not all record numbers, do your own research into how many times the Obama administration broke any stock market records, as compared to how many times the Trump administration did. Trump was beating records so often, it stopped being noteworthy. I noticed they stopped reporting on this type of news several records ago. Get your news from a reliable source. It does not have to be Fox. But, choose one that has not lied to you since Trump began running for office and was elected. For all you Trump haters, get over your concession denial; support your president (he is the only one you've got). I have said it before and I will say it again: "Just because they have a desk in front of a microphone, does not make them trustworthy news."

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