Your Opinion: Parson's incompetence

Don Salcedo

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

In my opinion, it appears that Gov. Mike Parson has reached his level of incompetence in the office of governor. I know that sounds harsh, but think about it. Parson found himself elevated into the office of governor and not having any experience in that office, he should have consulted with those experts in the fields in which he lacked experience. He hitched himself to the Trump train. Trump asked the state governors to open up the economy in their respective states and Parson, like a good Trump supporter, opened up Missouri in violation of CDC guidelines. COVID-19 cases and deaths have gone up. When the pool parties broke out at the Lake with no social distancing and no face masks, Parson stated that it was an isolated instance. When the media asked Parson if he felt any responsibility for any COVID-19 deaths in the state, Parson stated he did not accept any responsibility for his actions. Trump then asked the governor to open up the state schools.

When Parson was quoted on the news media making a statement about what he thought would happen if children got the COVID-19 virus at schools when they opened. It sounded just about something stupid that Trump would say. Later the next day Parson said to the media, what people heard me say is not what I said. It was taken out of context. We heard what he said and that dog will not hunt.

Parson needs to wake up and smell the coffee. This pandemic has exposed a number of weaknesses in our society, from our health care to civil injustice.

Each year, Missouri collects data from a survey that basically says if you are Black or Brown caught driving in Missouri that is probable cause for Missouri law enforcement to stop you and give you a ticket. Parson should address Missouri's systemic racism in the Missouri law enforcement population.

In my opinion, I think it is high time for the state of Missouri to come to terms with the systemic racism in our society

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