Your Opinion: Democrats' plans for failure

Charlotte Schnieders

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

During these times of depleted federal and state economies, from continued mandated business and school closings, destroyed businesses, and low tax revenue, the federal deficit this fiscal year is $2.7 trillion and cutting Missouri's budget is a necessity! Stimulus spending is not over!

Did Missouri's Medicaid initiative calculate a Joe Biden presidency, open borders, free health care and $1,200 for every arrival, plus lawyers and universal wages for non-workers? With Missouri volunteering to take illegals in, maybe that decision and those hidden costs should be re-evaluated. Reminds me of the unforeseen savings promised in Obamacare. Charity is one thing, but bankrupting a state and country is another! The U.S. has agreements with 30 countries to pay Social Security benefits to arrivals meeting age requirements. We work 45 years and lose our benefits to illegals making four small payments.

Biden, unable to read a teleprompter, has adopted the Marxist and Socialist policies of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Democrats want to eliminate the filibuster, so 51 votes will pass their radical policies! Democrats plan to abolish border patrol, ICE agents, defund the police and military, and use revenue to mandate electric cars, retrofit homes, businesses to costly electricity, eliminate airplanes, oil, gas and fracking - destroying millions of jobs and exposing us to an electromagnet pulse attack shutting all electricity down - millions will die!

Democrats plan to stack the Supreme Court with radical judges, eliminate Christianity, the electoral college, so your vote becomes irrelevant, change our Constitution, anthem, destroy monuments, memorials, give D.C. and maybe Puerto Rico statehood, take your guns, expand abortions and infanticides. Schools will teach Islamic religion, White fragility, and the 1619 project that says the American Revolution was to preserve slavery, America is racist and attempting to fool Black people, taxpayers should pay reparations of $6.2 quadrillion! It's not a typo!

Prisons will close, prisoners released with taxpayer-funded housing built in wealthy neighborhoods. Taxes and regulations will skyrocket and business profits used for government desires. Sanctions eliminated on Russia, Iran and China (Hunter Biden's best client) and rejoining the Paris Accord and Iran deal. The ultimate cost: your country, freedoms, safety, estates and business. These are Democrat proposals discussed in the debates that 98 percent of Americans didn't watch! Our outstanding police and military are needed for our safety, and President Trump stands with them! Democrats fund Black Lives Matter and Antifa!

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